Namaste & Welcome

Julie Mayson provides a safe space for exploring your full potential and connecting to the Divine. She will guide you in finding your authentic voice, your purpose and more meaning in life.

Julie’s training in spiritual direction, meditation, yoga and vedic astrology will provide you with the steps to endless discoveries of your souls purpose and path.

Come explore the mystery and release past wounds; see with new eyes and open to the divine play while unleashing creativity and imagination.

Esteem your self worth!

Where to begin?

Choose from below options to embark on your spiritual path.



The yoga journey invites you to experience the depth of your being, the potential to come face to face with yourself and to evoke the ultimate mystery of life.


Learning various techniques can help to settle the body and enter a sacred space. Whether you are a beginner or advanced practitioner we can always go deeper.

Spiritual Guidance

Julie provides the sacred container for you to share whatever is on your mind or heart to allow for new discoveries about yourself and greater connection to your source.



SoulCollage® is a creative process of working with images and giving them voice. This is similar to the Gastalt method used in psychotherapy.


The planet’s position at the time you took your first breath carries energy and messages which provides a blueprint of one’s soul. This gives a deeper understanding of the self in a detached way.

Favorite past time - enjoying the wonders of nature

About Julie

Julie’s experience over the years has taught her to evoke the mystery within and see each day with new eyes in an endless process of discovery and surprise.

“These roses under my window make no reference to former roses or to better ones; they are for what they are...there is no time for them. There is simply the rose; it is perfect in every moment of its existence.”

—Ralph Waldo Emerson