Experience healing and wellbeing.
Ground in the body and invoke your heart and gut intelligence.
In Sattva Yoga classes you will experience movement in the body through asana postures. You will also engage subtle energy through pranayama (breath work), Kriya (evolutionary action) and meditation.
The yoga journey invites you to experience the depth of your being, the potential to come face to face with yourself and to evoke the ultimate mystery of life. This is a process of inner development and union residing in the heart space.
Unsure where to begin?
Group Classes
All group classes are currently held on Zoom.
“After attending a yoga and mandala retreat with Julie, I decided to do a forty-day yoga challenge with the idea that after forty days, it would become a habit.
I’m happy to report that it did [become a habit]! I now practice yoga with Julie twice a week, and I wish it was every day!
Julie is considerate of everyone in the class and always offers options. Yoga with Julie changed my life, and I know it will change yours!”
Personalize your practice.
Home Practice
I believe in empowering you with the guidance and tools to practice at your own time and pace. While classes are necessary for learning the poses and proper alignment as well as inspiring, it is empowering and rewarding to learn to practice on your own. Especially in these isolating times we need to be confident in rolling out our mats at home and engaging in self care.
Available for $80/hour.