Tune to your highest qualities.
Jyotish is the science of light.
The planet’s position at the time you took your first breath carries energy and messages which provides a blueprint of one’s soul. This gives a deeper understanding of the self in a detached way. Our goal is to tune ourselves to the highest qualities so that we are one with nature.
We are an expression of the intelligent system and we can see the reflection of how we fit into this intricate system that we are a part of. This self verification is the awe of great play and gives clarity of the external nature of your soul.
Every cell, tissue and system in our body expresses a rhythm with periods of dynamic activity, alternating with quiet. When our internal rhythms are balanced with rhythms of nature we feel at ease, happy and a greater sense of wellbeing and vitality. When out of sync stress forms.

Options of Support
Chart reading & upayas
Chart reading, upayas & personal kriya
Chart reading, upayas & spiritual direction follow up
Chart reading, upayas (week 1)
Personal kriya (week 2)
Follow up/spiritual directions (week 3)
“Julie has the gift of listening and being present. She always makes you feel heard and has a gentle approach towards life and living. Julie is now offering in her sessions of mind body spirit practices the ancient study of Vedic Astrology .
One session with Julie can give you more information about yourself and your life’s decisions with so much detail that clarity of the past and new understanding can beaccessed.
She combines all of her skills and offers powerful tools to unlock you into your full human potential. I highly recommend her to anyone that wants a broader understanding of who they are.