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SoulCollage® classes this September


Over this past year I have been having fun learning new techniques for exploring this soul journey. I have really felt drawn towards more creative outlets that integrate the yogic teachings along with depth psychology. I am excited to offer a group of creative and thought provoking classes this fall. First of all, everyone is an artist! Many of us have had that inner artist shut down and maybe it is calling you to release that past stuck energy and have fun with the process.  

The classes I will offer will be held both in person which will be limited and open for  those vaccinated as well as online via zoom. The first class will be an introductory class and the three following will be exploring our inner voices in more detail. The inner voices we will be engaging with are those that help us along our journey. They may bring shadow to the light, give voice to an unconscious emotions or help in finding a  voice.  

Images are selected from magazines, books, photographs, etc and we place them together to form a voice that we can journal with and dialogue with. Journaling is helpful in keeping the voice private if so desired. This is SoulCollage®. Feel free to look up some YouTube video’s on SoulCollage® to get more information and refer to this page for pictures of cards I have made and for further information.

I have had so much fun building my deck of cards and working with them weekly over the past year. I think you will find that it:

  • helps build self confidence

  • helps in decision making processes

  • provides growth and self awareness

  • helps us to live with present awareness

If any of this appeals to you please join in. 


Classes will be held on Wednesday Sept 8, 15, 22, and 29th at 11-12:30. I will record the class on Zoom for those who wish to view from home and/or for review.  

Course Overview

Week 1: Introductory class

  • What is soul collage?

  • Plus a quick and intuitive card making session

Week 2: Creating with the Committee and Community Suits

  • Opening to our inner personality parts, our ego, our character

  • Giving recognition to our guiding sentient beings, teachers, loved ones, pets

Week 3: Creating with the Companion Suit

  • Exploring SoulCollage® and the chakra system

Week 4: Creating with the Council Suit

  • Exploring the archetypes who guide and challenge us personally, and who are active also in the collective consciousness of the planet


There is a financial investment of about $20 for supplies to get started. Additionally, I ask for a $60 love offering.