Give rise to your subconscious.

Work with images and give them a voice.


SoulCollage® is a creative process of working with images and giving them voice. This is similar to the Gastalt method used in psychotherapy. Once images are cut out and pasted on a card they become your voice of the unconscious giving rise to consciousness. These voices are recognized as manifestation of the One, the Source. Therefore, they are playing roles in the larger story of this planet, as well as in our local, personal stories (inner parts of our self).

The desire is to live in oneness even though we live in duality. When we bring light to the shadow we are the observed and the observer. Ninety-nine percent of shadow is gold. The gold reflects the endless jewels within.

The work we do with the voices and cards is to help us feel and understand how this energy is manifesting in our life story and help us move towards balancing our strengths and shortcomings. This magical process heals inner conflicts, and sheds layers and stories that keep us stuck and from blooming into our unique fullness. 

For group, team building or individual SoulCollage® work please reach out to Julie here: